Sunday, September 21, 2008


This is just so pathetic and sad! Was suppose to update and upload pictures of the past events but......there's a bad news here, i had a farewell@pre-bday party for a good friend at Chilis, Midvalley, after that everyone went back to bath and changed for second round, club! We arrived around 11++pm, was figuring out how to enter, i was using my phone all time! Then Ed and I managed to enter first, then we brought the rest in, ONLY 5minutes into the club! I walked back out, my phone went MISSING! :( arGH!!! fuck it!!!! I lost my precious and now i need to spend for another new phone again! Just got my figure back in my savings but there goes again for another new phone! I'm so desperately wanted my parents to sponsor me this time! For the past few years i've been paying the phone all by myself! notes...omg!!! Why am i such bad luck nowadays!! So many bad things happened all at once!! Both my desktop and laptop are having system error! So unstable, simply restart non-stop or display card problem! SIGhh.....please save me from all this trouble! Im in such bad luck nowadays!! :(
now i gotta consider what phone to buy! how much money am i coming out, whether is there gonna be sponsor or not, and....gOsh...!!~ no mood to update the rest yet people, maybe after awhile when im over this "lost phone" incident!



Unknown said...

wahh...that really bad bad luck...
but nevermind lah, all your bad luck came, your good luck coming coming soon =D

-[aLbY]- said...

nkw@i: HAHAHA hopefully lar! now i'm still waiting for the goodluck to far STILL BAD LUCK! cham...
