Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sunshine . . .

*** I still remember u said u liked her song very much! I'd never forgotten before. *** lyrics

I watched another sunrise today, but this morning i dont really see the sun due to the heavy mist. The weather was a little cloudy. But i still managed to watch the sky turned bright at the end. Huh? What? Another day? Ya,...i miss u so much! Been thinking of u, and kept asking myself why too, no one to keep me company, so i decided to wait for the sunrise. Until today, i still care, i still cared alot about u, i miss u and i still love u as much as i used to! I still remember i learnt this from u, "each and everytime when i woke up, i'll greet myself good morning!" to make urself more refreshing! Instead of greeting good morning to myself, i greeted "good morning to myself and i love u!" The spirit that i still have, was because u mean alot to me. I can be called stupid by anybody, coz of doing stupid act, but btw me and u and its for u, it aren't stupid at all coz whatever u've said to me, taught me, done for me, i remembered ALL and it means alot to me too! That's why i love u so much till today no matter what happen and wont leave u but will wait for u...

I found out myself although im still being stubborn & strong to get things back, it's all because i love u truely with my heart and dont want to be separated with u coz of the misunderstandings happening outside. I had never betrayed u, i mean it, i NEVER BETRAYED anybody before especially the one i love most, U only! I truely love u with my heart baby...i'll wait for u! Goodnight everyone!

With love,
-[aLbY]- @ -43-

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