Monday, May 05, 2008

"Chen Rak Te"

Lately i learnt this from my friend, "chen rak te". It's ok if y'll don't understand this word :D to those who knows this word, ya, thanks for reading this post. Its not necessary to spend your time reading my blog, but this is where i start, where i'll end too. Anyhow, people u may be wondering what's this post all about? Nothing much really, its jz about the music u're listening right now...sit, relax and enjoy! Whatever feeling that gives y'll while listening to this music, go ahead and think about it. To me, there's jz sadness, sadness, sadness and sadness, guessed i'll jz call it "depression". Sad of what? Sad of something, something that someone would understand how would i feel for this musical song...

New semester, class starting shortly, my eyes are tired, and still sick, insomnia again. Anyhow, its 5am now. I'm missing someone, someone i miss hugging in my arms. I couldn't express that anymore, what i would say here is "chen rak te". Goodnight readers...

-[aLbY]- @ -72-


-GiNo- said...

hey dude !!!
u got it wrong !!! its not chen rak te
its pom rak te
chen is for gals !!!
pom is for guys !!!


-[aLbY]- said...

WAkakakak yo!~
serious? let me check it out with my friend again!!~
