Sunday, August 08, 2004

h o O o r A Y !!!~~~

hai damn happy today got to download my favourite korean artist, 'Tim' =) his song i've been searching for such a long time, without giving up i insist to continue finding the song N at LAST i gotta download even his new album, 'Tim Second Breath'!! love his song damn much!! most of the song he composes himself...i downloaded 1 of his mtv, N it was very sweet at first as he's after a gal which is working as a day he asked the postman to send a letter to her N ask to meet him beside the beach...they'd fun N enjoys the moment they were together...tim's lil bro likes playing violin but he doesnt has one, so one day, the gal came to tim's place N gave tim's bro the violin, while tim had also bought one for his bro which he is still polishing it...when the moment he saw the gal gave his bro the violin he kept his in his wardrobe N they had another meeting date by the port...the gal reach in time N waited for tim N his bro the whole day but til the end, tim doesnt turn up...she was so upset N fact she dont know what happened to tim, so actually tim fainted when he's upon to leave his house with his bro...then he was told by the doc that he has some kind of tim was upset too...he wrote another letter N send it to the post box right outside the gal's company...tim was crying outside there looking at the gal he is after N walk off the place...when the gal read the letter, than she understands what happened N went to tim's house to take the violin he actually bought for his bro but didnt give it to him...then, she walk to the beach side N throw the violin out...

it was a sad story....the rhythm was so NICE N i got the FEELING too...i do understand what's their feeling at tht moment but tim was forced to leave her...isnt it sad??? so try to get it from me or download by urself...=)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! »